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воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.


Христос воскрес. Воистину воскрес!
Hello boys and girls! I want to congratulate you with the besr holiday - Easter! I think everybody shouldn`t swear, use faul language today , because it`s a St. holiday!

вторник, 10 апреля 2012 г.


Life is a boomerang. Have you ever heard about it? Sure. But why a lot of people do bad things for another / Why??? Pls, stop do it. I know that God look at us from the sky and wonders. Remember, don`t do bad things  and it don`t com back to you like boomerang!

воскресенье, 8 апреля 2012 г.

Hello my dear readers!!! Missed you so much! I was in UAE! Wow ! It` s amazing country with amazing people! It wasnt` my first visit to AE, but it`s doesnt matter! I relaxed on the beach, swam in Arabic strair and of couse bought a lot of new clothes! I want to show u my looks , but not today ( sorry).
Always your   The second I!!!